Hittade det här på Humans of New York:
“I think I felt entitled to success because I’m smart and I’m good at stuff and I work hard. Maybe ‘entitled’ isn’t the right word, but I just thought things would happen for me. I went to a private school in DC—the same place that Obama’s kids go. Then I studied film at Columbia. But not much has happened for me since. I guess the main thing that I lack is single-mindedness. I’m too scattered and complacent. I have a hard time finishing things. I paid to go on a screenwriting retreat recently. It was a bunch of New Yorkers at an old monastery in the middle of Italy. It was a magical, quiet place, and we didn’t talk until noon, and I managed to finish about 60 pages of a screenplay. I left feeling very motivated. But when I got back to New York, I lost focus again. Recently I had my ten-year reunion at Columbia, and that was pretty traumatic. Some of the kids from my film program had become famous. Everyone seemed to have a good job. I used to pride myself on not being focused on money. Now I’m thinking that would have been preferable to not having focus at all.”
Jag önskar att mitt nyår hade varit bättre. Stod inträngd bland tusen andra på en klubb i Berlin när klockan slog tolv och innan dess hade min artonårs-kärlek insisterat på att prata igenom vad som hände mellan oss samtidigt som jag halsat en flaska champagne. Curry-wursten klockan fem väger upp det hela en aning dock.
Jag är tillbaka i skolan. På utbildningen som ger mig lite livskris (har jag valt rätt väg i livet???? ni vet det vanliga). Det återstår väl att se vad det blir av resten av året.
wes anderson

Jag betvivlar dock denna dröm.